Anna Wintour

Anna Wintour is The Ice Queen of the Fashion Industry, and it could not be more obvious that she totally relishes this reputation. And who's to blame her? Machiavelli said himself that it's better to be feared than loved, and we think he's like an Italian prince or fashion designer or whatevs, so he definitely knows what he's talking about. So the Vogue Editor in Chief probably doesn't want us to know about the man who melted her icy demeanor at one point decades ago: Bob Marley. Yes, that Bob Marley, who is responsible for those free spirited, balmy reggae jams and inspiring some of our nation's most insufferable youths. Rumor has it that they had a week-long affair, and Anna apparently called him "Robert" because....well, love can't change you that much, right? This seems too random and oddly specific to be false, and also, we really want to believe this because we love the idea of Anna Wintour toking up with Bob Marley. 

[Photo via @annawintourfan]

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