She was F-king the President

Clinton The MusicalThis past spring there was an off-Broadway show called, "Clinton: The Musical." Almost as if I knew the lead character would one day play such a bizarre role in my mental life, I went. Not bad either. I'd have to say my favorite song was ML's solo number, "F-king the F-king President." To be fair, I know if I was in her place I would sing that same song (though I'd obviously have to change President to the last Republican Congressman, but that's a different story). Although this isn't authentically Monica as we know her, it leads to some pretty important revelations that have helped validate my being bizarrely drawn to this raven-tressed angel. The theatre loves her. Thus the gays love her. Ergo, I love her. The old homo-Pythagorean theory, of course. [Photo via Facebook]
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