Don't be affiliated with the Pussy Posse

When I see that you were at one point a member of something called the "Pussy Posse," I don't think, "Damn, this dude f*cks," I think "Damn, this dude sucks." Brilliant beyond brilliant wordplay aside, the Pussy Posse was the dumbest thing imaginable. I mean, the members include Tobey Maguire, who was in Spiderman and uh...that's about it, and David Blaine, a goddamn magician. So I imagine with Spiderman and magician at your parties, it's literally like a 5 year old's birthday at laser tag. I see what you did here, Leo. You know that no chick is going to want to sleep with Michael Cera's long lost half brother or Gob Bluth incarnate, so more ladies for you, I guess. 

[Photo via @leoactivities]

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