Slide #3

Andrew WK is not a person, but a persona that is 'acted'
Andrew WK, the rocker most known for his hit "Party Hard" and the owner of Santos Party House, is under speculation of being more of a puppet than a rocker. There is a lot of confusion to this rumor, which sparked mainly in 2005 when suddenly Andrew WK sounded and looked completely different than he had in previous albums. While there are still a slew of theories behind these changes (mostly involving a "producer" or "creative manager" named Steev Mike), one thing is clear - Andrew WK has admitted openly that he is a character that was created by a conference of people. The conference included his father and himself, as well as label executives. He was one of many that auditioned for the part of the "best front man ever," and has caused this "character" to change over the years. [Photos via, via] Also, go HERE for a video of Andrew WK confessing some truths about his persona.
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