Welcome to the Monkey House by Kurt Vonnegut

Welcome To The Monkey HouseAbout: "Welcome to the Monkey House" is a collection of Kurt Vonnegut's shorter works. The Charlotte Observer says Vonnegut "strips the flesh from bone and makes you laugh while he does it...There are twenty-five stories here, and each hits a nerve ending." Time calls Vonnegut "a zany but moral mad scientist." Grab this book and you'll have plenty of entertaining stories for a long commute. Quote: (From title story, "Welcome to the Monkey House") "This was at a time when the population of Earth was 17 billion human beings. That was far too many mammals that big for a planet that small. The people were virtually packet together like drupelets. Drupelets are the pulpy little knobs that compose the outside of a raspberry," (30). Go here to buy now. [Photo via @amirochelle]
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