First, congrats on the opening! How long has Mark Ryan been in the works? When did you first decide to create something together?

Mark DeBolt: Thank you very much! Ryan and I met working together nearly 5 years ago. We both have such different backgrounds in the beauty business and have always talked about creating a place together. Though we both come from different spectrums of the industry—I am a colorist and Ryan is a stylist—we saw a need and unique opportunity to create a new kind of salon that offers a genuine experience from the moment you walk into the door. We created Mark Ryan to be a haven for clients and a home for stylists. We truly value artistry, authenticity and quality over quantity and that has become our mission in working together. 

Ryan Trygstad: Mark and I wanted to create a space where our clients felt seen and appreciated. We care about more than the look. Our real passion is showing people who they have the power to be.

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