André Saraiva, Love Letters

André Saraiva, Love Letters
Seeking some pre-digital age romance? World-renowned club entrepreneur and grafittist André Saraiva makes his New York debut at Half Gallery, presenting a unique display of painted French post boxes and elaborately crafted love letters in homage to romantic communication of yore. Mr. Saraiva is perhaps best known as a nightlife entrepreneur (see: Le Baron), but his resume includes film credits such as the acclaimed Exit Through the Gift Shop and his directorial debut in The Shoe. You may find yourself dropping off a love letter of your own to this handsome, French "Baron," so be sure and catch the Opening Reception! Through March 1 at Half Gallery. Opening Reception: February 11, 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.  For more information, go HERE. [Photo via]
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