Camille Iemmolo at The Proposition

Camille Iemmolo at The Proposition
Chicago-based artist Camille Iemmolo sought sanctuary after a nearly-fatal fall off her horse two years ago. As a result, she produced "The Band-aid House." The 10-foot installation, covered in 21,000 band-aids, serves as a safe haven for everyone currently facing the human condition (survey says that's around 100% of us). Her exhibition continues with "The Write Back Super Heroes Club," a piece that invites viewers to write a letter to someone they have been meaning to contact. The insistence on the traditional mode of communication is an act of defiance against lazier e-correspondence. Artist reception will be held Saturday, July 13, 6-10 pm When: Through July 31 Where: The Proposition, 2 Extra Place (@ East 1st Street off Bowery) [Photo via]
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