Max Snow, 100 Headless Women

Max Snow, 100 Headless Women
Giving new meaning to the term "butterface," Max Snow's exhibition "100 Headless Women" converts the Kathleen Cullen gallery space into a kind of mausoleum: the walls are covered in nude female torsos with their faces blacked out. Adding to the anonymous atmosphere, these portraits are juxtaposed with statues of saints dissolved in acid, obscuring their features as well.
“Everyone says that the face and the eyes tell the story and that grief scars your eyes," says Snow. "So I like in this series to rob the viewer of that intimacy and to make it more mysterious and surreal.”
Is that why the clothes are "robbed" too? Opening Reception: Friday, March 2, 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Though April 3 at Kathleen Cullen Fine Arts, 526 West 26th Street, Suite 605. For more information, (NSFW!) go HERE. [Photo via]
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