Artist To Watch: Popkissed

Artist To Watch: Popkissed
Somewhere between the advent of synths and Skrillex, the actual "Music" element of EDM got lost in a sea of neon and headaches—that is until Popkissed brought it back. The Oslo-based duo combines classical technique with electronic innovation to create the atmospheric sound we want to dance to, while nevertheless placing value on vocals at their best. A member of the Oslo Philharmonic Choir, singer Lill-Ann Blauenfeldt joined forces with electro-wiz Robert Solheim after discussing their mutual love of musicians such as Annie Lenox, Grace Jones, Patti Smith, and the Pet Shop Boys. And it's no wonder—with Robert's dark ambiance and Lill-Ann's soulful singing, their work takes on a smart, retro pop-ness similar to that of their idols.
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