The Ungovernables

The Ungovernables
One of the hottest art openings of the week (for our coverage, go HERE), New Museum's The Ungovernables features five floors of artwork from at least 34 artists and collectives, including Mounira Al Solh, Jonathas de Andrade, Minam Apang, Julia Dault, Abigail DeVille, and Hu Xiaoyuan. Many have never before been exhibited in the United States. In celebration of the museum's Triennial, the term "ungovernable" refers to the rebellious spirit of these artists, who were born between the mid 1970s and the mid 1980s, and is "meant to suggest both anarchic and organized resistance and a dark humor about the limitations and potentials of this generation." The Ungovernables is on display until April 22 at the New Museum, 235 Bowery. For more information, go HERE. [Photo via]
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