New Beatles Collection entitled, "Tomorrow Never Knows," released on iTunes today.

9. New Beatles collection entitled, "Tomorrow Never Knows," released on iTunes today. This collection contains 14 of their most memorable songs like, "Paperback Writer," "Back in the USSR," "It's All Too Much," and "Savoy Truffle. This collection will also feature a promotion film for their track, "Hey Bulldog." Posted on iTunes, Foo Fighters Dave Grohl wrote a heart-felt note about the Beatles' influence on him, starting the letter saying,
"If it weren't for The Beatles, I would not be a musician. It’s as simple as that. From a very young age I became fascinated with their songs, and over the years have drowned myself in the depth of their catalogue. Their groove and their swagger. Their grace and their beauty. Their dark and their light. The Beatles seemed to be capable of anything. They knew no boundaries, and in that freedom they seemed to define what we now know today as 'Rock and Roll."
[Rollingstone] [The Beatles via]
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