MIA takes on Anderson Cooper

3. M.I.A takes on Anderson Cooper about Sri Lanka's secret war with Tamil Tigers. Last night a documentary entitled, Sri Lanka's Killing Fields: 'War Crimes Unpunished' aired, chronicling this apparent war. Having seen the documentary, M.I.A took to Twitter, tweeting, M.I.A (@miauniverse):
I got accused of 'supporting terrorism,' mis-representing Tamils,' glamourising a war, using it for my own gain, having bad grammar. This C4 #killingfields doc makes the points I couldn't make.
She then attacked CNN's Anderson Cooper, saying,
"Anderson Cooper called me a terrorist for speaking out, and expressed support for the SLgov (Sri Lankan government) when this (killing) was happening. I thought AC (Anderson Cooper) was a fair news reporter until the SL killings took place and he kept his silence! Disappointed!"
Cooper rubuttled via Twitter, saying, Anderson Cooper (@andersoncooper):
"You are mistaken. I never called you a terrorist. I don't even know who you are other than the lady who sang at the Superbowl."
[NME] [Photo via]
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