Saint Laurent is really influenced by the L.A music scene, what's so special about it to you?

CB: Oakland is actually Northern California, we actually have a song on our album called Drive North. It has a huge musical history.

To us L.A kind of represents our jealousy of the happening stuff, but it's really amazing what's happening down there because everybody's in bands, and it's like a blender of music. People are forced to compete with each other and create good music. More and more Los Angeles is becoming a hotbed of creativity. For a while it was like...I read a really funny New Yorker article yesterday about how L.A is soulless but New York just takes your soul from you.

Do you agree with that?

CB: Absolutely [laughs]. I'm from Oakland, so I have a bias against both cities; I always think that where I'm from is the greatest, because I watched Oakland evolve my whole life, I've seen it in every stage of its identity.

[Photo via @swmrs]

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