
8. Madonna accused for plagiarizing new song, 'Gimme All Your Luvin.' Brazilian popstar Joao Brasil said that the "Queen of Pop" stole the chorus from his song, 'L.O.V.E. Banana.' Despite Brasil's reluctancy, his record label, Jam, is planning on suing Madonna. Brasil says,
"I still don't understand what happened. I'm a huge fan of hers. If it's plagiarism, then even better. She is always at the cutting edge of music, so it's a good sign about what I do." "It's in their [the record label's] hands, they're looking at how to proceed and what they can do. But personally I don't want to do anything. The last thing I need in my life is a fight with Madonna."
Perhaps Adele and Madonna need to switch places on this whole "retirement" thing. The choruses are pretty similar, and in all honesty, neither are that good. Check it out for yourself! [NME] [Photo via]
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