We Love Mary Tyler Moore

We Love Mary Tyler Moore
“That girl’s future is either on stage, or in jail," Mary Tyler Moore's grandfather famously said, after seeing her sing and dance for the first time. And last night, the Screen Actors Guild confirmed Ms. Moore's destiny, honoring her on stage with their Life Achievement Award.  After a touching reunion with her onetime TV husband Dick Van Dyke (yes, he's still alive, and received a standing ovation himself), the actress thanked the Guild and reviewed highlights from her illustrious career. A moment of confusion came after the conclusion of Ms. Moore's speech. "Where's my award?" Ms. Moore asked. "It's too heavy to carry," Dick Van Dyke whispered back, indicating that they would bring it to her backstage. Other humorous moments occurred during the retrospective, which revealed clips of a young Mary Tyler Moore acting in commercials, and a performance as a conflicted, love-struck nun in an Elvis Presley film. [Dick Van Dyke, Mary Tyler Moore] [Mary Tyler Moore, Elvis Presley]
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