You Should Know: Shiva Rose

by Christie Grimm · March 16, 2016

In case the flowy dress, bare feet, and crystal didn't tip you off, Shiva Rose is a bohemian girl all about the healthy, holistic lifestyle. We're talking grows her own produce garden and everything. Way past the Gwyneth Paltrow call of duty. Follow her wellness tips on her blog, The Local Rose.

Name: Shiva Rose
Occupation: Alchemist, Blogger, Mama, Beekeeper, Activist, Writer
Place of birth: Venus - For real Santa Monica
Instagram / Twitter: @LocalRose, @TheLocalRose
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius, of course

What do you actually do all day? Create beauty with my products & blog

Favorite song growing up? Ramblin On - Zeppelin

My biggest secret is… I’m keeping it a secret - Don’t kiss and tell

Why do you live in Los Angeles? I’m a native - this is my home - for real

My motto is… Walk in beauty - live from love not fear

My alter ego is… Goddess Venus - A Rose

The last drink I had was… Nettle Tea with honey from my garden

My secret crush is… They know who they are

What was your first job? Walking a dog

If you had one day left to live in LA, what would you do? Swim in the sea & climb the mountains

Coming from? Going to? My home & studio - to heaven

What is your favorite work of art? My daughters

Who should we know? Vandana Shiva
