You Should Know: Deb Schoeneman

by Christie Grimm · March 14, 2016

Deb Schoeneman's resume reads at first like the beginning tale of a publishing magnate - with time spent everywhere from The Village Voice and Paper magazine to The Observer, New York magazine and the New York Post. Seriously, girl's never met a New York publication she didn't want to write for. After publishing her first novel, "4% Famous," Deb turned her pen towards the small screen - entertaining the masses with her brilliant work on “Girls” and "The Newsroom."

Name: Deb Schoeneman
Occupation: Writer
Place of birth: NYC
Instagram / Twitter: @DebScho, @DebSchoeneman
Zodiac Sign: Gemini

What do you actually do all day? I sit at my laptop + write stories for TV / online shop / snack

Favorite song growing up? “Freedom” by George Michael was kind of my college anthem.

My biggest secret is… I like to be asleep by 9:45 PM.

Why do you live in Los Angeles? I hate being cold, Hollywood, sushi, the beach, my husband’s from SoCal

My motto is… Try hard, bounce back.

My alter ego is… Anyone taking a lot of exotic trips. I’m keeping it pretty local lately

The last drink I had was… Red wine last night while putting my kids to bed.

My secret crush is… The guy who created my kids’ favorite show, “Peppa Pig.” He’s a genius. I’d love to meet.

What was your first job? Assistant to the late, great Peter Kaplan, Editor in Chief of NY Observer.

If you had one day left to live in LA, what would you do? Throw a huge clam bake / dance party on the beach in Malibu?

Coming from? Going to? Sam’s Bagels on Sunset w/ my toddler - Neuehouse to write

What is your favorite work of art? My latest favorite is Leo Villareal’s light installation on the Bay Bridge in SF.

Who should we know? Writer moms who give great advice in CA:
Jenni Konner Dana Fox, Ellen Rapoport, Ali Adler, Lauren Blum
