You Should Know: Kara Smith

by Christie Grimm · March 16, 2016

    Got a red carpet to walk and not a clue what to wear? Stylist Extraordinaire Kara Smith’s client list includes Emma Roberts, who just happened to be a bridemaid at her wedding to photographer and video director Nick Walker. Kara is also the designer of Elkin which she started with her sister Brit and is inspired each season by a different literary genre.

    Name: Kara Smith  
    Occupation: Interior Designer
    Place of birth: LA
    Instagram / Twitter: @KaraESmith
    Zodiac Sign: Libra 

    What do you actually do all day? Meetings!!!

    Favorite song growing up? Life's a Bitch - Nas 

    My biggest secret is… I had to google spell half the words I wrote. 

    Why do you live in Los Angeles? Weather is better than NYC 

    My motto is… Do good work

    My alter ego is… Stand up comedian 

    The last drink I had was… Eastern Standard…. the best!! 

    My secret crush is… I honestly don’t have one

    What was your first job? Assistant 

    If you had one day left to live in LA, what would you do? Definitely not hike Runyon 

    Coming from? Going to?  Alfreds in the alley (shorter line)  Avec Nous for a final walk through before it opens Friday. 

    What is your favorite work of art? The one I look at every day is my daughter's latest works but the one that gives me chills is by Basquiat - Untitled. 

    Who should we know? Steve Firestone (Amber Maac he wrote that!)