Slide #7

900 Pounds Of Marijuana Was Found Floating In The Water In Marina Del Rey
Okay, this one technically happened back in February, but since its the inaugural issue of the WeedDown and all, we couldn't just let it go. Tipped off by a boater (who obviously, obviously kept at least one of these nice guys for himself), the Sheriff's Department found 30 bales, or 900 pounds, of the good shit just cold floating off the coast of Marina Del Rey. To date, they still don't seem to have much of an idea of exactly where it came from, or whether it was connected to a fishing boat that washed ashore in Malibu loaded with an additional 1,500 pounds of weed. But let's just say the timing is a little fishy when you consider that Lindsay Lohan quickly moved out of Venice right after this all went down. Fleeing the scene, Linds? [photo via]
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