Slide #3

Rihanna Gets Irie At Coachella
OK, you guys. I didn't want you to have to hear this from me, but here goes: there were drugs at Coachella. Like, a lot of them. I know, I know, what is this world coming to? Especially when musical heroes, people who time and again have proven themselves capable of immaculate judgment, get caught on camera puffing the wacky tabaccy? But this is the world we live in, so here are some photos of Rihanna rolling one up (UPDATE: OFF THE GUY'S HEAD!) and getting lifted while riding some guy (her bodyguard, presumably?) at the Dre & Snoop show. Now, we like Rihanna, and Coachella is a safe space, so we're not judging her for the drug abuse, but what I will judge her for is, what's up with making some guy give you a ride when you're wearing spike-studded jorts? Does this man look happy to you? Absolutely not, because there are 50+ metal spikes digging into the back of his bald head. Not cool, Ri-Ri. Rihanna [via]
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