Slide #4

2. LMFAO & Madonna, Plus M.I.A. Flips America The Bird
Super Bowl XLVI, 2012 Performers: Madonna, LMFAO, Cirque du Soleil, Nicki Minaj, M.I.A., Cee Lo Green, Andy Lewis. Some years, the Super Bowl tries to keep halftime shows classy with performers like Paul McCartney, and others they decide to take several artists (we use that term loosely), each individually offensive in their own way, and combine them. The latter approach resulted in what we saw at last year's halftime show, which managed to attack Egyptian culture, high school, and the church in under 13 minutes. We had Nicki Minaj, whose preferred rap subject is her own ass, and those Four Loko poster children called LMFAO, for whom we are well on record with our conviction might be the worst music group on the planet. Oh, and a skirt-wearing Madonna wrapped her crotch around one of the LMFAO clowns' heads while riding around on his shoulders at one point. As if that weren't enough, M.I.A. used the opportunity to flip all of America the eff-you bird during her verse in the song when she knew cameras would be on her. See minute 7:52 for this, complete with an awkward attempt to blur out the offending finger.
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