Eavesdropping In: T.I. Prevents Man's Suicide; Katy & Russell's Secret Themed Wedding; Cheney Never Apologized To Shooting Victim; All Chilean Miners Saved; HIV Positive Actor Freezes Porn Industry

by Emily Green · October 14, 2010

    A true negotiator, T.I. talks a man down from a 22-story high ledge in Hotlanta [TMZ]

    What color will all of the guests at Katy Perry and Russell Brand's secret exotic location wedding have to wear? [Post]

    Dick Cheney has never apologized to Harry Whittington for accidentally shooting him in the face while quail hunting over 4 years ago [HuffPo]

    After spending two months trapped underground, all 33 Chilean miners have been rescued! [LATimes]

    The porn industry freezes production after an actor tests positive for HIV [KTLA]