Eavesdropping In: Shia LaBeouf Admits Megan Fox Hookup; UCLA Parking Crackdown; Charlie Sheen Killed Off Of "Men"; Greeks Protest In Streets; Michele Bachmann Not Ready To Be President, Staffer Says

by Emily Green · June 28, 2011

    Shia LaBeouf cops to hooking up with Transformers co-star Megan Fox while filming, utters "I don't know" 12 times when asked if she was dating husband Brian Austin Green at the time. [TMZ]

    L.A. cracks down on Westwood "apron parking", when cars park in driveways so they block sidewalks and hang out into the streets, around UCLA campus. [LATimes]

    Reports say Charlie Sheen's "Two and a Half Men" character Charlie Harper has been killed off the show. [KTLA]

    Demonstrators protest in Greece over country's financial crisis and need for reform, clash with police in the streets. [KABC]

    Former chief of staff to Michele Bachmann Ron Carey contends the Minn. congresswoman, who launched her presidential campaign yesterday, is "not prepared" to be the leader of the free world. [HuffPo]