Eavesdropping In: Navy SEALS Kill Osama bin Laden; American Travel Warning, Airports On Heightened Alert; Trump Congratulates Obama; Record SoCal Highs & Lows This Week; Justin Bieber Egged During Show

by Emily Green · May 2, 2011

    Nearly 10 years since the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the hunt for al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden ends after a special Navy SEALS operation to kill him is authorized by President Obama, people around the world rejoice. [HuffPo]

    The State Department issues a warning against American travel in the wake of bin Laden's killing that may cause anti-American violence, domestic and international airports are on heightened alert. [KTLA]

    Despite being roasted by Obama at the White House Correspondents' Dinner Saturday night, Donald Trumps congratulates him on his victory via Twitter. [TMZ]

    Mother Nature is on crack and decided it makes sense for SoCal to have record high and record low temperatures simultaneously this week. [LATimes]

    Justin Bieber gets egged at his Sydney, Australia concert and is labeled a "security risk" by airline staff after flouting their seated for take-off policy. [PE]