Eavesdropping In: Ashley Bush Ditches SATC2 Screening; Gary Coleman In A Coma; M.I.A. Is Furious With NY Times Mag; Ron Artest Becomes A Hero; Is The 4G iPhone Release Just Weeks Away?

by Emily Green · May 28, 2010

    There are women out there who would have killed to be in Ashley Bush's shoes when she had a ticket to a screening of a "certain awful chick flick" (naturally, Sex and the City II), but she ditched it anyway to go work on the set of Steve Carell's new movie in L.A. [NYPost]

    Since he was admitted to a hospital for a head injury sustained from falling in his home on Wednesday, reports say former child star Gary Coleman is now on life support after slipping into a coma [KABC]

    M.I.A. is so pissed about the New York Times Magazine cover story profile on her that she's been tweeting up a storm lashing out at the prestigious publication and the writer of the piece [Huffington Post]

    In a true Hollywood sports movie moment, Ron Artest, who had been playing pretty poorly throughout last night's Lakers game against the Suns, came through in a big, big way scoring the winning basket as time expired that clinched L.A.'s 103-101 victory, putting them only one more win away from advancing to the NBA Finals [LATimes]

    Several pieces of information suggest a new 4G iPhone will be unveiled next month, including leaked prototypes, AT&T's limiting of employee vacations between June 15 and July 15 due to an "iPhone launch," and Wal-Mart's slashing of the most recent model's price in half [Huffington Post]