Eavesdropping In: Another Paz De La Huerta Misadventure; Occupy Oakland Gets Ugly; PETA To Sue SeaWorld For Whale Slavery; Alcohol Caused Amy Winehouse Death; Jessica Simpson Thinks We Can't Tell She's Very Pregnant

by Emily Green · October 26, 2011

    Paz de la Huerta strikes again! This time she caused a scene at an after party for Tower Heist when she accidentally (?) spilled a drink all over her friend who proceeded to have a meltdown and was so "inconsolable" over the tragedy that the waitstaff had to escort them out with bottles of water. Going to go out on a limb here and say alcohol was a key factor. [Post]

    Things are getting really ugly (i.e. teargas, rubber bullets) between relentless Occupy Oakland protesters and police removing them from encampments outside City Hall. [LATimes]

    PETA is gunning for SeaWorld, announces plans to file a lawsuit against it for "keeping orca whales in slavery." [KTLA]

    The coroner announces the cause of death for Amy Winehouse as over-consumption of alcohol, with a blood alcohol level over four times the legal limit at time of death. [TMZ]

    What drugs is Jessica Simpson high on thinking a magazine is going to pay her $500k for an exclusive to go public with her pregnancy? Honey, we have eyes. Hope the remainder of your third trimester is a breeze. [Radar]