L.A. Ducklings Celebrate The First Day Of Summer With A Pool Party, Follow Their Lead!

by Emily Green · June 21, 2011

    This morning, a shrewd mother duck who obviously follows the news taught her adorable ducklings what summer in Los Angeles is all about: pool parties. She took the liberty of hosting her own and led her young in a casual dip in a backyard swimming pool. Even she knows today is the official first day of our favorite season and got a head-start on the pool action.

    With temperatures promising to stay somewhere in the pleasant range of upper 70s and 80s this week, you might want to think about getting on mother duck's pool party tip. We can help with our Calendar where you'll find the array of pool parties happening around town all summer long. Below are some of the best ones happening this week; their details plus the full list of L.A. events can be found on our Calendar:

    iSHOWMYSELF LOVES YOU : Nightswim [Details]

    Absolut Swim [Details]

    Dim Mak's Cannonball Summer Night Series [Details]