How Many Pool Party "Don'ts" Are You Guilty Of?

by Emily Green · June 10, 2010

    Summer heralds in some of the most wonderful features and cultural happenings L.A. has to offer.  Outdoor concerts, BBQ's, beach days, shorts, tans, late sunsets, warmer nights, mojitos and so on.  It also provides Angelenos with a non-reason to throw the ever popular pool party -- you don't need one because it's summer.

    But beware that pool parties are hotbeds for serious miscarriages of fashion, decorum and dignity and are not for the faint of heart.  A recent pool party in the Hollywood Hills looks fun enough, but we spied several of the biggest faux pas that could occur at such an occasion. How many pool party "don'ts" can you spot in these photos (bikinis with high heels!)?

    As you can see, summer pool parties basically allow you to let your inner trailer park run free.  So bust out that sequined bikini and your mandals, flaunt your tramp stamp, go shirtless, do beer bong and push someone in the pool because it's summer, y'all.

    [All photos via thenightlenz]