Gavin McInnes

Gavin McInnes
Gavin McInnes Our first and most vocal panelist was Gavin McInnes, co-founder of Vice MagazineHe arrived shirtless, shoeless and tattooed, and believes hipster-bashing is a problem due largely to the fact that 40 year old men are now frequenting the same night clubs as today's youth. His overall thesis for the evening was that the hipster's entire existence is based upon fornicating, which can then be broken down into two subcategories: music and fashion.
Memorable quote: "Kanye West is drenched in homosexuality." Mary Corey
Mary Corey of the UCLA History Department remained focused on how the modern day hipster makes sense on a historical level. Her belief that the hipster has a rich and vital history struck a nerve with McInnes, who remained in disagreement with her for the rest of the discussion.
Memorable quote: "Walt Whitman was a hipster."
[Photo via]
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