Dear Coketalk, Do You Know Me? Are You Me?

by guestofaguest · March 25, 2010

    [The Marilyn Suite at The Roosevelt Hotel. via SuckaFuck]

    Dear Coketalk,

    Do you know me? Are you me? Wait, let me take a step back… I don’t really go out very often, but when I do we seem to have a lot in common, at least as far as social circles go. I just read your interview on Guest of a Guest - from Liberace’s penthouse several years ago (some of my friends bought it and host private parties there again, just less frequently - Xenii took over as the afterhours thing to do after it died the first time) to La Boum (well, nobody goes there since New Years Eve when Tea Room hosted the Vanity Fair party and took over Wednesdays) and Voyeur (which is also pretty much dunzo with Trousdale, Drais, and even Plush taking over all of the good nights), we seem to be at all of the same places at the same time.

    The photo above is from the Marilyn suite at The Roosevelt (I cut out all people involved for obvious reasons… and because it looks cool) - I started and ended countless Tropicana Tuesdays there in 2008 and 2009. It’s a pretty small world when you get down to it, and I can’t imagine doing the Hollywood thing for this long without knowing each other. You’re right though, it does all seem more alluring coming from an anonymous girl… I have a table at Drais tomorrow night, feel free to come by and kick it. Don’t worry, I can keep a secret.