Carmageddon Inspires Support Group, Encourages Local Bonding

by Emily Green · June 28, 2011

    Are you a functioning, borderline sane L.A. denizen? Is the looming temporary closure of the 405, expected to cause traffic quite unlike anything that's befallen this city (including that time Obama came to town), giving you gas? Don't worry, you're not alone and there's a place you can turn if your feelings surrounding this horrifying reality known as Carmageddon are becoming overwhelming and have you questioning the existence of god. [Photo via]

    So don't waste any of those precious 50 minutes with your therapist to talk about your anxiety over Carmageddon weekend, you have bigger issues to work through.

    Introducing, a site created by some sunny optimists who have come together to turn the weekend projected as the mother of logistic catastrophes into something positive. Standing in the face of logic, they're not deranged, they're just trying to make the most of a shitty situation for those of us who can't get the hell out of dodge for the weekend, despite our own mayor's recommendation to do so. [Photo via]

    Indeed, fear surrounding the weekend of July 15th has become so widespread that it's inspired the formation of this support group for panic-stricken locals. With, locals can submit and find of events and specials like dirt-cheap drinks and pizzeria discounts happening in their respective parts of town. If you're going to be stranded Carmageddon weekend, why not venture out to meet your next-door neighbors of 5+ years for the first time at your local bar? Even if that hideous naked cherub statue they decided was necessary to put out front embarrasses you whenever you have company, maybe you'll find you do actually have things in common, if nothing more than an appreciation for vodka. Plus, everyone knows the strongest relationship-building happens by getting drunk together. So if Carmageddon weekend has got you down, visit and commiserate with your neighborhood. [Photo via]