by Emily Green · October 15, 2010

    Steven Meiers, Gavin McInnes, Mark Hunter Steven Meiers, Gavin McInnes, Mark Hunter

    Hey, look who joined these f*cking hipster authorities after the panel at UCLA! It's the one and only Steven Meiers! So where did they go to blow off some post-hipster panel steam? A college bar on campus, duh!  After delivering his expertise at 'Look at This F*CKING PANEL: A Sociological Investigation of the Hipster', Gavin put on shoes and a shirt for a nightcap with his colleagues. Steven, Gavin, Mark and Alexi all met up at O'Hara's in Westwood where any tension there may have been on stage during the discussion was nonexistent. See, they're friends! For more on their UCLA excursion, check out Steven's take on the night.

    [Photo by Steven Meiers]