Slide #2

::Monday, November 11th::

Of Montreal @ Largo at the Coronet
Lousy with Sylvianbriar released last month is Of Montreal's 12th studio album. After going through 18 previous Of Montrealeans, singer and guitarist Kevin Barnes maintained a team of five fresh band members to record their latest album in just three weeks. "I knew I wanted the process to be more in line with the way people used to make albums in the late 60s and early 70s," Barnes said. "I wanted to work fast and to maintain a high level of spontaneity and immediacy. I wanted the songs to be more lyric-driven, and for the instrumental arrangements to be understated and uncluttered.” Is it time to break out the bell-bottoms again? Probably not. But change up your Monday night with a performance from a newer, multidimensional Of Montreal at Largo. [Details] [Photo via]
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