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When a restaurant opens with high expectations, it can either be a huge success or a massive flop, with no in between. When Thomas Keller, the wine country superstar chef with more Michelin stars and Chef of the Year awards than any other American chef ever, brought his Napa Valley bistro/bakery sensation Bouchon to Beverly Hills, the stakes were astronomical. Luckily for everyone involved, Bouchon is a runaway success, "hands down the best French bistro in Los Angeles" according to the L.A. Times, the kind of bistro that makes you wonder if you haven't actually been transported to Paris. Go for the Croque Madame or the Moules À La Marinières Dejeuner for lunch, or the perfectly roasted Truite Grenobloise for dinner, . And pay a little extra for the not-on-the-tasting-menu signature Bouchons, small chocolate brownies that melt in your mouth with vanilla ice cream on the side. [View Menu + Book Now] [via]
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