Playing For Keeps Los Angeles Special Screening Benefiting Children's Hospital Los Angeles
Where: ArcLight Hollywood
Who Was There: Gerard Butler, Dennis Quaid, James Tupper, Noah Lomax, Iqbal Theba, Stefanie Swart, Jon Mack, Oliver Wyss, Alan Siegal, Peter Schlessel, Mark Gill, Abella Wyss
Other Details: In theaters December 7th, Gerard Butler and other cast members of
Playing For Keeps attended the screening of their new movie that benefited the Children's Hospital Los Angeles.
Dennis Quaid, Gerard Butler, Noah Lomax, Abella Wyss, Abella Wyss, Noah Lomax
Gerard Butler, Noah Lomax, Abella Wyss
Alan Siegal, Dennis Quaid, Gerard Butler, Peter Schlessel, Mark Gill
[Photos via]