Slide #6

Monday Morning, 1/2
And then finally in the wee Monday morning hours, an arrest: Harry Burkhart, an apparent German national who is already guilty in the court of public opinion based on the charming smile you see above, and the widespread reports that he continuously yelled "I hate America!" while being taken into custody. Shervin Lalezary, a Beverly Hills real estate attorney who is also a part-time volunteer Sheriff's Deputy, pulled over Burkhart's minivan, which reportedly had an APB out from the Hollywood & Highland security footage. Further information then revealed that Burkhart's hatred of America seemingly came from the ongoing immigration proceedings against his mother, who is being deported from the US despite providing "wonderful high-skilled erotic body massage" services on Craigslist. Hopefully none of the Republican Presidential candidates will try to blame this on Obama's performance as a job creator, but let's not really give them that much credit. Bottom line, an extraordinarily creepy probable-arsonist (they found charcoal briquettes in the minivan, which police suspect was the way he started many of these fires) is in custody. Grand total: 53 fires and approximately $3 million in damage, though luckily no serious injury or death, and Los Angeles has yet another bizarre true crime story for the record books. Happy New Year! [photo via]
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