So, SanguinDrake has a new EP coming out. What can we expect from that?

SanguinDrakeThis next EP is really a psychedelic journey, kind of like The Dark Side of the Moon or any of those theme albums. And the name of the EP is Mandragora. It’s that idea that the myth behind mandragora is that anyone who pulls the screaming mandragora (mandrake) out of the ground will be psychologically changed for the rest of their lives. We like that idea with music that once you listen to this EP your brain will explode. I think the band’s finally ready. It’s a long process of finding your sound. With Kevin Barth on lead guitar adding his musical sense to it, the sound’s really filled out. I’m finally behind the keys and the synth which is a role the boys sort of had to beg me to take on. It’s not my number one instrument. I kind of want to be like Stevie Nicks-ing it out. We’re getting there, but it’s a journey to acquire the musicians who are willing to do this with you. [Photo via Facebook]
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