What’s going to set B Sweet apart from all the other dessert companies out there?

B SweetAside from the classic desserts and food that I make daily, it’s about people. It’s about customer service. I’m the type of person that will come back because I remember that person and how they treated me when they were on the other side of the counter. That, to me, is what I never want to lose sight of. I still deal with all of my corporate clients on a one-on-one basis. I will continue to do that with every person that walks into my store, and still in my catering business. It reminds me of Cheers, because everyone knows their name. I’m really great with names, and I want to remember everyone’s name that comes in. I want to see them come back into my store, and I want to call them by their name. I want to know when their birthday is; I want to know when we’re going to celebrate it, and what I’m going to give them on that special day. I think that’s going to set me apart.
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