Spoiler Alerts

Spoiler Alerts
And then there are all the films!  We unfortunately can't watch Lincoln with you (and, if we're being totally honest, we may have dozed off for a scene or two, only to be pleasantly surprised with some on-screen Joseph Gordon-Levitt time and a joke about George Washington).  We can, however, suggest that you brush up on your U.S. and world history (and then see these films before the Oscars). To get you started, here are some not-so-surprising spoiler alerts from this season's political nominees:  Slavery is abolished and Lincoln dies.  The people do sing in Les Mis, but those cute French revolutionaries aren't so successful.  The NAVY S.E.A.Ls find Bin Laden.  We could go on about FDR and the Iranian Hostage Crisis, but you get the point. P.S. In addition to those films featuring political history, a number of this year's television nominees are playing up politics, some of which are rooted in real events and others that err on the ridiculous.  Check out Veep, Parks and Rec, and The Newsroom for some reference points. [Photo via]
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