Slide #4

Saturday, January 7
Sanctuary @ Club Nokia Once upon a time, telling people you liked heavy metal was kind of like registering as a sex offender: you drove a van, you didn't bathe, and people were scared to leave their kids around you. But now that the Nickelbackization of rock music has turned most rock into tuneless, feedback-destroyed oatmeal, telling people you like heavy metal is more like telling people that you actually like good musicians who can actually play their instruments. So why not celebrate by checking out an original thrash powerhouse who broke up in 1991 rather than give in to the tide of bland, awful grunge music? Sanctuary has only been reunited and touring for about a year, but that's been enough time to get their chops back, including lead singer Warrel Dane's blistering falsetto. And if you really need more convincing, just look at that album cover. Nickelback couldn't make something that looks that awesome if they crashed their tour bus into a fireworks factory. Long live metal. [Tickets & Info] [photo via]
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