Slide #6

Lesson Five: Know When to Throw In the Towel
I thought I had really made it and that the Marni's were as good as mine; I conquered the line, was granted access to the store, and wasn't trampled by a disgruntled crowd. Unfortunately, I miscalculated the last step, which required actually entering the penned-in area of Marni goods. And apparently a wristband still was necessary for this endeavor, not to mention that there was yet another line to even enter the holy grail area of Marni items. Tired and wristband-less, this was the point in the morning when I decided it was time to throw in the Marni towel, because a) I had endured enough lines for one day, b) I really have no desire for a size XXL printed dress, and c) I don't even think I have an eBay account.
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