Slide #7

7. Deodorant/Toothbrush
If, like me, you buy your plane tickets by using bottom-of-the-barrel discount travel websites and then talking yourself into things like, "I can get to the Ontario Airport at 4 am on a Saturday, right?", the odds are you're going to hit a connection in some awful city like Dallas, where you'll either have 15 minutes to run across the entire airport or 3 hours to lay around the terminal and wonder why all the restaurants and shops are closed at 9:30 pm on a Sunday (seriously Dallas, what the hell?). Either way, the quickest way to give yourself just a little bit of refreshment is to brush your teeth and reapply deodorant. Seriously, you'll feel like a new person. And the deodorant has an additional use as a last-resort weapon against someone else's B.O. on the plane, an issue that you ignore at your own peril. If you happen to find yourself seated next to or near a super stinkmaster, just put a dab of deodorant under your nose, or on your forearm. Yes, its a little weird, but so is explaining why you puked in the barf bag when the plane was still on the ground. [photo via]
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