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Swingers I know for a fact that Swingers on Beverly is an awesome place to go for late night drunk munchies because my friends and I went through a phase where it became our go-to destination after a night out, and during this time we were out almost every night of the week. We came here for several reasons: 1) We didn't feel judged for being shwasted because as we mentioned in the west side edition's entry for Swingers in Santa Monica, the servers honestly don't give a shit about anything. 2) Most patrons around that time are in similar condition. 3) The menu is huge and serves breakfast all day. 4) We could play the Pixies from the jukebox. All of these reasons still hold true but I've curbed my partying habits a bit since those days and am usually at Swingers when I'm hungover (as opposed to still drunk) for weekend brunch which is just as awesome when you're sober. Bonus: Tons of options for your vegan and veggie friends that I hear they really like. [Photo via] Swingers 8020 Beverly Blvd. Los Angeles
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