Slide #5

Pig The F--- Out
Raise your hands if your Lent vow involved giving up something food, drink or intoxicant related. Yep, unless you're one of those weirdos who thinks your genitals are crafted by Satan (oh, hi, Rick Santorum!), you probably used Lent as a cynical way to force yourself to make a lifestyle change, didn't you? Hey, if it takes God's wrath to convince you not to eat Flaming Hot Cheetos, then I guess that's what it takes. But that's beside the point, because everyone knows that you really only give up things for Lent so that they'll be five times as awesome when you come back to them. So today's your special day to go absolutely nuts. Did you give up pizza? Make a calzone by putting one 800 Degrees pie on top of another and take it to the face. Did you give up beer? Post up at Father's Office and start working your way down the tap list. And oh man, if you gave up weed, you'd better bring a pillow and some snacks with you to the couch, 'cause you ain't going nowhere. Maybe this Lent thing isn't such a bad idea after all... [via]
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