Cart For A Cause Back Today With Brandon Boudet!

by Emily Green · August 17, 2010

    Brandon BoudetAn L.A. epicurean master and restaurateur hops aboard the weekly big red truck today to help feed homebound seniors by feeding L.A. gourmet lunch. Chef Brandon Boudet, the man behind fine such fine L.A. establishments as Dominick's, Little Dom's, and Cafe 101, will be serving up three $10 boxed lunch options for hungry suits in Century City this afternoon.

    On today's menu:

    Spaghetti & Meatballs

    Baby Heirloom & Burrata Cheese Bruschetta

    Saba Glazed Beef Brisket with Tuscan Kale on Toasted Ciabatta with Zapp Potato Chips

    Each of Boudet's offerings is no doubt delicious, but our recommendation goes to the spaghetti and meatballs. If you've ever had the dish at Dominick's you know why; if not, it's a must for today.  And with proceeds going to St. Vincent's Meals on Wheels program, do you really need any more convincing?  We're certain Boudet's famous Italian classic will be the first to go, and for $10, the agents and Hollywood suits in the area will probably have their assistants lining up early to make sure they get theirs.

    The Cart for a Cause truck will be parked at 1901 Avenue of the Stars, from noon-2pm so set your alarm and head over if you have your heart set on some midday gourmet!

    [Photo by Alex Berliner via]