Red Lightning Hosts A 'Ceremony' For Burning Man

by ALISON KRAWCZYK · April 30, 2010

    [All images by CuriousJosh for LA Weekly] This past Saturday, Red Lightning hosted "Ceremony"- their Burning Man fundraiser at Area 33. Last year, the non-profit organization presented their 'Sacred Sanctuary' at Burning Man. They plan on topping that appearance at this year's festival.-

    "Ceremony" was Red Lightning's way of sharing their ideas about restoring the human connection with Earth, Spirit and each other. Through music and dancing everyone was linked together. In addition, the event was to help fundraise for their attendance at Burning Man.

    At the start of the evening was Red Lightning's Sacred Ceremony, when tribal dancers performed. Afterward, DJs took over and pumped out their music as the crowd showed off their unique dancing. At the end of the evening sacred drummers shared their talent. It was non-stop dancing through the night.

    In one corner of the venue, there was a Massage and Sound Healing station set up. Guests could stand as tribal music washed over them, or could receive a massage from a girl wearing a peasant-belly shirt, a gold skirt, and fur boots.

    The dress code ranged from party dresses with boas, to jeans with live snakes around the neck. "Ceremony" brought people, nature, and music together as one. -