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Kimberly Ovitz Benefit for the ASPCA
Where: Ovitz Residence, Beverly Hills Who Was There: Kimberly Ovitz, Moby, Pete Yorn, Bonnie Somerville, CC Skye, Dani Janssen, Gigi Levangie Grazer, Ilan Laks, Angela & Angus Sutherland, Beth Kaltman, Lawren Howell, Taylor Stein, Thea Wolf, Missy Hargraves, Robbie Kravis, Lindsey Lucibella. Other Details: Fashion designer and animal lover Kimberly Ovitz hosted a fundraising event for a cause very dear to her heart last night at her family's Beverly Hills residence. The 28,000 square-foot Michael Maltzman-designed home boasts one of the world's leading art collections displayed throughout the space. Guests were met at the door by event staff checking shoes (the home has a no-shoe policy) in exchange for slippers, and got a mini tour of Ovitz's amazingly vast art collection as they made their way down to the lower gallery where the event was held. Very bright art gallery lighting and the no-shoe rule were the great equalizers of the night for crowd; everyone looks silly in a cocktail dress and white hotel slippers and lighting like that has never done any favors for anyone. But the night wasn't about the art or the shoeless crowd, but about joining Kimberly in support of the ASPCA to fight animal cruelty. Guests enjoyed cocktails and hors d'eouvres while Kimberly spoke about why the cause is important to her, followed by a moving speeches by ASPCA reps about what the organization stands for and does to help and rescue animals. As an owner of two wonderful beasts who were both adopted from rescue groups, the night's message to adopt animals instead of buying them from pet shops is one I feel we should all try and help spread. In the end, the event raised enough money for the ASPCA to fund two puppy mill raids. Lawren Howell, Meredith Melling Burke, Moby [photos by John Shearer for courtesy of Harrison & Shriftman]
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