Pete Wentz, Wolf Gang Kick Off Coachella Private Party Scene At Hard Rock Music Mansion Friday

by Alex Gilman · April 16, 2012

    Go HERE for more photos from Brandon Fuller and tag yourself and your friends!

    A Coachella pool party is about a lot more than just perfect weather. With the live music and top-flight DJ's, bountiful food and drink, and VIP guest lists, it's practically a miniature festival in itself, which is why we'll be bringing you wall-to-wall coverage and exclusive photos from all of the weekend's top private events. First up, Friday afternoon's Hard Rock Music Mansion pool party.

    Sure, it was a rainy, overcast Friday, but that wasn't about to stop the crowd from throwing down with DJ sets from Pete Wentz and Fernando Garibay, live tunes from Wolf Gang, and free booze courtesy of Voli, Maestro Tequila, Heineken and Red Diamond wines. The spirit of Hard Rock was alive and well as revelers defied the weather to keep the party going both inside and out, with A-listers, music insiders and LA scenesters mingling casually and comfortably. Little did everyone know that by keeping spirits and energy high despite the drizzle, they were not only setting the tone for a raucous Coachella weekend, but also appealing to the weather gods for the sun that was soon to follow.

    Check out all the awesome photos from Friday's Hard Rock Music Mansion kickoff party, and stay tuned for tons more Coachella Weekend One coverage!