Slide #4

Has it really been four years since the Summer of Santigold? In 2008, you basically couldn't pass by a radio without hearing "L.C.S. Artistes" or "Creator" bumping out of the speaker, and the immense critical and commercial success of her Santogold album, alongside not entirely dissimilar electrohop cohort M.I.A., made that a pretty fun year to go to parties. Of course, the world moved on, and Santi (who had to change the "o" in Santogold to an "i" when she got sued by some hacky sci-fi director named Santo Gold) hasn't released much since, but with a new album due to come out this year, there couldn't be a better time for the raw power of her beats, grooves and rhymes to come back and save us all from dubstep. [via]
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